This is an on-going project for more than 10 years.


This is an on-going project for the last 11 years. It is conducted in a disadvantaged region of Turkey’s southeast in the city of Mardin. Mardin is a place with low rates of women’s labor force participation. In addition to providing access to a practical professional training and helping the maintenance of family economy, a crucial aspect of the project is the socialization of participant women and their engagement with civil life.

The Governorship of Mardin was approached to support the project in terms of workshops and trainers. An administrative protocol was arranged officially. The next step was to promote the participation of local women. As the trainings were held, a sales network was established to further develop the project and help women earn an income. The productivity of this operational basis attracted further participants to the project. The sales strategy was expanded by organizing tours to the region from Istanbul to promote the trade. The members of Etiler’s sister Soroptimist Club in San Diego also contributed to the financial sustainability of the project with their orders.


Modernized silk patterns
Carpet workshop
Classical Hereke (The Flowers of Seven Mountains)
Unique 3D patterning ,From Ayşegül Dinçkök’s underwater pictures exhibition
Carpet workshop

For a short documentary of the project, please visit: